
The City of Forman City Council acts as the legislative branch of our government, as well as its policy-making body. The Council looks to the city's goals, major projects and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The Council's goal is to do the very best to represent their constituents after they've seen to the needs of the city as a whole.

Luke Anderson--Council President

Finance and debt service portfolio: Budget, financing, revenue, expenditures, audit, signer on financial accounts

Personnel portfolio: Job descriptions, workers comp, reviews, certifications, education and training

Planning, zoning and development portfolio: Industrial park, Forman development, zoning, annexations, de-annexations, housing. Liaison to FCDC, city member of county JDA

Email Luke: 


John Stenvold--Council Vice President 

Water portfolio: Water plant, tower, public supply lines

Sanitation portfolio: Lagoon, lift stations, sewer & storm drains, garbage, recycling

Public Safety portfolio: Signage, sidewalks, police services, pets


Kirk Fliehs--City Council Member

Beautification portfolio: Abandoned buildings, junk cleanup, mowing, weeds, public nuisances, voting member of the Forman Shade Tree committee

Parks portfolio: Campground, Central park, Liaison to the park board and golf course board, should attend park board and golf association meetings.

Cemetery portfolio: Maintenance, sales, records


Mark Wyckoff--City Council Member

Library portfolio: Voting member (new in 2020) of the library board

Streets and Buildings portfolio: City hall, shop/water plant, senior center and library buildings, snow removal, gravel/blading, repair/replacement of roads




ALL -- Ordinances portfolio: Review ordinances; keep up with changing needs of the city regulations